Optimizing Sleep Part 5

VIDEO: Optimizing Sleep Part 5: The Science Behind how Technology is Ruining Your Sleep & What to do About it!

In this 5th video on my Optimizing Sleep series, I review the science behind how lights and technology are negatively affecting your melatonin release and sleep. I also go over the importance of using digital filters to reduce this effect.

Check out https://justgetflux.com

In the next video I will review other ways to reduce the effect of bright and blue light on your sleep.

Check out the rest of my Sleep for Optimal Performance videos here:


PERFORM AT YOUR GREATEST POTENTIAL by Optimizing Your Psychology, Physiology, & Neurology

By blending neuroscience, physiology, and peak performance strategies we help #leaders​, talent, #athletes​, and organizations overcome these barriers and achieve results they’ve never seen before.

Optimizing Sleep Par 4

VIDEO: Optimizing Sleep Part 4- Importance of Morning Light to set Your Circadian Rhythm

In this 4th video on my Optimizing Sleep series, I review the 1st main cause of your suboptimal sleep, Circadian Rhythm Disruption. I review the importance of getting light exposure in the mornings to set your circadian rhythm. This will improve your psychological, physiological, and neurological functioning in addition to your sleep.

In the next video I will review the other half of the circadian rhythm coin, the importance of avoiding bright, and especially blue, light in the evenings.

PERFORM AT YOUR GREATEST POTENTIAL by Optimizing Your Psychology, Physiology, & Neurology

By blending neuroscience, physiology, and peak performance strategies we help #leaders​, talent, #athletes​, and organizations overcome these barriers and achieve results they’ve never seen before.

VIDEO: Optimizing Sleep Part 3: How Poor Sleep is Ruining Your Brain!

In this video, I review the neurological/cognitive/brain consequences of poor sleep. In the next few videos I will review the 3 main causes of poor sleep and what to do about them.

PERFORM AT YOUR GREATEST POTENTIAL by Optimizing Your Psychology, Physiology, & Neurology

By blending neuroscience, physiology, and peak performance strategies we help #leaders​, talent, #athletes​, and organizations overcome these barriers and achieve results they’ve never seen before.

VIDEO: Optimizing Sleep Part 2 – How Poor Sleep is Ruining your Mental Health!

In this video, I review the psychological/mental health consequences of poor sleep. In the the next video I will review the neurological/cognitive consequences of poor sleep.

Finally, I will produce videos on the 3 main causes of your poor sleep and what to do about them.

VIDEO: Optimizing Sleep Part 1 – How Poor Sleep is Destroying your Health!

In this video, I review the physiological/health consequences of poor sleep. In the the next few videos I will review the psychological and neurological consequences of poor sleep.

Finally, I will produce videos on the 3 main causes of your poor sleep and what to do about them.

VIDEO: How to Properly Use Your To-Do List–PART II

In this 2nd video in my To-Do List series, I review how to use your To-Do List for best results.

If you would rather read than watch, below are my notes/script that I used to make the video:

As I note in Part I, If you want to be successful, at regular intervals you need to review and plan your goals and how you are going to achieve them.

-I find that people either only plan what to do each morning

-OR they do longer range planning such as yearly, monthly, or weekly planning and stop there.

-The problem with either of these is that you end up spending your time on what Stephen Covey calls “the thick of thin things.”

-We often get caught up in all sorts of things that may or may not be in line with our values, goals, and mission. How do we prevent this from happening?

The proper use of a to-do list.

​​​-In my previous videos, I went over how relying on inspiration to keep you motivated is not enough.

-I reviewed how The most successful people make their daily decisions about what to do with their time based on their goals and values, not on their moods, energy levels, or what their mind says they can or cannot do.

-I also reviewed how our brains dopamine reward system is being hijacked by technology and how we need to focus more of our efforts on Steven Covey’s Quadrant II activities, activities that are IMPORTANT but NOT URGENT.

-In Part I on To-Do Lists I went over how using them frees up your brain’s RAM, or what’s called Working Memory and how checking off what you’ve accomplished serves to motivate you by giving you a sense of closure.

-Of course, I think we can all agree that making to-do lists that are not informed by your values, mission, and long-range goals won’t help you achieve the right goals. But to-do lists have a number of useful functions.

So when is the optimal time to make and look over your To-Do List?

– Each night look over your weekly plan for what you scheduled for the next day, and then make a to-do list.

-When you do this the night before, there is still distance and perspective on the next day.

-If you only check your plan or make your to-do list in the morning, you may already have been bombarded with emails and other things that make it difficult to stick to your weekly plan.

-You may also feel tired or unmotivated when you wake up in the morning. It helps to have a set of written reminders of what you said you would tackle that day.

-And when you wake up, you’ve already completed the most important task for the day, making your to-do list!

-Each morning, begin with a look at your written-out to-do list that was developed with your weekly plan in mind when you had more perspective the evening before.

-Do this before you check your email or voicemail or get caught up in any time-consuming tasks.

-If you wait to check your to-do list after doing these activities, you may get sucked down a rabbit hole of seemingly urgent, but possibly unimportant, tasks when it comes to your goals and mission.

-Practice saying ‘no’ to these things and say ‘yes’ to your bigger goals.

-The more you do this, the easier it will become.

-At the same time, important things that are urgent will crop up.

-These are things you have to deal with promptly to prevent them from leading to even bigger problems.

-If you have an urgent deadline at work, it could be career suicide to put it off so you can focus on your bigger goals.

-Or maybe you’re an athlete and you notice a strange pain in your knee while training.

-Even though your goal may be to train at a certain intensity a set number of times each week, it would be foolish to push through the pain.

-It may even be career-ending.

-Or you get a call that a loved one is in the hospital. I think we can all agree that your to-do list can wait.

-So you have to be somewhat flexible.

-At regular intervals throughout the day, check your to-do list and see how you’re doing.

-One way to do this is to program a repeating reminder into your smartphone.

-It can be as simple as having it go off at 9 a.m., 1 p.m., and 3 p.m., or at whatever intervals work within your schedule, with the message “to do list!”

-That should be enough to remind you to check your list.

-Of course, your To-Do List needs to be informed by your short and long term goals, your values, and your overall missions and purposes in life.

-For help on figuring out those, stay tuned for my upcoming videos.

-So put these tips into action and see how your motivation and productivity soar.

-Are you ready to put the to-do this to work?

-So get out there and take control of your destiny before it controls you!



VIDEO: To-Do List Part I

VIDEO: 3 Reasons You Need To Use A To-Do List—Part I

In this first video in my To-Do List series, I review 3 reasons you should be using a To-Do List if you want to be productive.



Willpower Part 5: How to boost it when it's depleted!

VIDEO: Part 5 of the YouTube Willpower Series: How to Boost it When Depleted!

This is the 5th video in my WILLPOWER SERIES, I review how to boost willpower when it’s depleted!



VIDEO: How to Strengthen Your Willpower!

This is the 4th video in my WILLPOWER SERIES, I review how willpower is like a muscle…how it fatigues and how to strengthen it!



VIDEO: Willpower Part 3–How To Stop Willpower Drain

This is the 3rd part of my Willpower Series. I review how to stop your willpower from draining, If-Then Planning, and more!

This is the 3rd part of a multi-part video series on how to work with and around your willpower, how to strengthen it, and how to boost it.