My Seven Chakras Podcast: Biohacking, Sports psychology and the Power of the Mind! with Dr. Chris Friesen

Biohacking, Sports psychology and the Power of the Mind! with Dr. Chris Friesen

biohackingDr. Chris Friesen, Ph.D. is a psychologist who has always been fascinated by what makes people successful.

He is a licensed clinical, forensic, and neuropsychologist but now primarily helps professional, national/Olympic, and up-and-coming elite athletes, as well as other high achievers such as professionals, entrepreneurs, executives, academics, and writers, achieve their personal and professional potential.

He is currently director of Friesen Sport & Performance Psychology, a contributor for, and author of ACHIEVE: Find Out Who You Are, What You Really Want, And How to Make It Happen.

He is currently director of Friesen Sport & Performance Psychology and is the author of Achieve: Find Out Who You Are, What You Really Want, and How to Make It Happen.


Inspirational quote – He who has a why to live can bear almost any how by Friedrich Nietzsche

Alternative Practice – Bio-hacking.

Health Tip – Try to assess your anxiety levels, and understand where you fall on the scale. Are you on the higher side of feeling anxiety, self-consciousness, panic, irritable or are you someone who rarely experiences these emotions?

If you score high on this test, don’t worry. You can use the situation to head to the next level. Turn these negative emotions into energy that can be used in a productive way by finding your passion!


Major Life Lesson – We have way more potential that we actually realize!

Life Purpose – I’ve always been fascinated by self-improvement and development – what makes people survive, push beyond their comfort zones and ultimately successful. Taking that knowledge and sharing it with others is my life’s mission!


Wisdom Round:

  • Best Advice – Find something that you’re really passionate about, and go after that no matter what obstacles you face. Don’t live a life of regret because life can be short!
  • Personal Habit – 5-minute rule. When you’re attempting to do something that you don’t really feel like doing or you’re not in a mood, try it for a few minutes, and then you decide. If it’s really that bad, you can stop, but in most cases, you’ll find that it was never as bad as you thought!
  • Book Recommendation – The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change


Learn more about Dr. Chris Friesen

Check out his amazing book – Achieve!








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